Thursday, 26 April 2012

Contributing Ideas

As I was doing the images of people I realised that really they are just performing everyday tasks that actually seem to be quite boring. The images are not styled to deal with any particular concept or idea they are just there. With this in mind I came across the project called 'Exactitudes' the mundane of my images corresponds well with the creativity found in this project.

From this I have decided to make my images fun. To create a sense of meaning the these 'boring everyday tasks' so I going to create a game from them. I have researched potential games to create and I think a game of Snap or Picture Pairs will be my best bet. The creation of the simple game will reveal if others see my images how I do, and if they make the same decisions in placing them together. This may create a higher sense of purpose to the images and start questioning other people's judgement.

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