Wednesday, 2 May 2012

The Game Begins

I created my game of snap by printing off 10 pairs of pictures. I then cut them up to separate them so my participants could re order them. One by one I asked them to put the images in whatever order they saw fit, whether this be a pair or a trio or a larger set of images. I got some intriguing replies that has changes the way I have perceived my pairs that were first created. I wanted to have a variety of people to create the pairs/ groupings so the perception of the pairs would hold some significance as I could generalise them to many people.

I firstly asked a teacher to put the pairs together. Obviously his perception of how the images should sit would be different to that of a student or younger person. He put most of the pairs exactly how I put them. As he was doing it thought he did sit and ponder over a couple of images and where to put them. He told me that he was putting them together purely by composition and not by colour or any other elements.

This set was done by a year 9 girl. She literally look the grouping idea to an extreme and created almost a montage of images. She sat for a long time before placing the images together that meant that although it took her a long time to create her final grouping it does show a lot of thought. Her large amount of grouping was down to the fact that she said hse wanted to create a story of the images as they all fitted together one way or another she said.

This set was paired by a year 9 student. He paired the images quickly but they are very different to the original pairings of mine. He said he was focusing more on the colour of the images and how people matched and the environment matched.

This grouping was a a 6th form student. She got worried that how she grouped the images would not be right, although there was no right or wrong answer when doing this. She created an interesting group of images  with a seeming middle group and outside groups around it. She told me she was looking primarily at the people in the images and how she would see them in everyday life. Her pairings are quite busy.

This grouping was done by a 6th form student. He paired the images much like the original pairings, however still changed some with creating the groupings of 3. The 3's are interesting as they seem to be the pair with an added extra on the end that adds to the style of the image.

This pairing was made by a year 11 student. He paired the image in larger groups which seemed to created a sort of montage, even thought they were not close together. His justification behind the images was that by looking at the environment he could create a story in his mind of how these people could potentially meet. This again creates a sort of story style.

This set was created by a 6th former. Her take on the images was that they all sat in pairs and there was no other grouping for them. She spent again a long time deciding which images went in pairs and has created a seemingly pretty straight forward conventional set of images, however her pairings are the most different to the original set.

This experiment enabled myself to see how others had different views to the way in which I have paired my images. 

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